I mentioned before that we are moving to Brisbane. Well, as part of my transfer compensation, PwC paid for me to have a relocation consultant - an agent who helps us find a place to live in.
So, Jordan decided that we should drive up there from Sydney to scout out a place. When he mentioned it, I thought sure, why not? I looked on the map and Brisbane didn't seem that far away. I thought, like 5-6 hours tops. Ha. Its actually 12 hours ONE WAY. I know, you're thinking, but Kasia, you have a 6 month old baby that needs constant entertaining! Well, I had already agreed and just threw caution to the wind and prayed those 12 hours would pass quickly.
Jordan's parents are eager beavers and wanted to leave at 6AM so that we would get there in time to have a proper meal. Normally I'd laugh at the thought, but I get up around then everyday anyway, so I was game. Plus, I figured if Kubes was still sleepy he'd fall asleep faster once we hit the road.
I have to admit, he was incredibly well behaved on the way up. I mean, don't get me wrong, he had his whiney moments, but really only lost it and cried properly in the last hour of the trip. I was actually surprised because we had just bought him a new car-seat (cost us $440 - damn safest car seat companies take advantage of freaked-out parents and charge a premium - oh well, it turns into a booster later so it should be the last one we buy and it came with two cup-holders - fancy, eh?) , which is more up-right and forward facing. Whenever he fell asleep his little head would fall forward and bob about. I felt so sorry for him - but he didn't seem to mind that much and slept as much as if he were in bed.
Anyway, even though I spent most of the 12 hour trip facing inwards towards Kubes to entertain him (when he and I weren't sleeping), I had a chance to look out the window. And I saw KANGAROOS! I had no idea that they lived so close to civilization - I always thought that they hung out with the other Australian animals, like the wombats, Tasmanian devils and whatnot in the outback somewhere. But no, there they were, chilling with the cows in the fields. Sometimes a whole pack (herd? posse? bunch? - not sure what you call a group of kangaroos together) and sometimes just one. Apparently though, seeing a kangaroo is like seeing a deer in Canada, and it isn't considered a big deal. Well, for me it was and the first time I saw one, we were driving through an area that had signs to watch out for koalas and I was so excited and confused when I saw the kangaroo, I actually yelled out "Oh my God, look its a kangaroo-la-bear!" I actually didn't think it was that funny, but Jordan's parents thought it was hysterical and for the rest of the trip kept asking me if I'd seen any more "kangaroola bears".
The 3 days in Brisbane itself were not that note-worthy - I mean, we accomplished our goal and found a place to rent for a year. Its a nice place that actually used to be some Australian wedding dress designer's studio and workshop. The benefit of that is is that it was spotless - as you would imagine a place that mostly holds expensive, white fabrics to be. Its about a 15 min commute to the center of the city and close to this cute villagey shopping area with a bunch of boutiques, cafes, restaurants and even a small movie theater. I'm really excited about it.
The trip back was...more like you would expect a 12 hour road trip with a 6 month old to be. Not that I blame poor Kubus. He must have been so sick of that car-seat by then. But I discovered one thing that could keep him from crying. And that is singing. I know, I was surprised to learn that I am actually Mariah Carey (to my son's ears) but I am. I started to go through all the songs of childhood I know - you know, Insy-Winsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat...then after I exhausted those, I moved on to songs I know from movies - mostly from The Sound of Music - Kubus likes "My Favorite Things" (and I like it because I know all the words) and "Doe Rae Me" (hard to mess that one up). The problem was the the SECOND I would stop singing, Kubes would screw his little face up and start crying. And if I didn't start with another song immediately, it would be too late and he would get uncontrollable. At that point the only thing I could come up with were Christmas carols. So I busted out with the Jingle Bells, the Silent Nights and some Polish ones (I thought I should mix in some Polish in there and to be honest, Polish carols are pretty much the only songs I know words too...). Anyway, after like 4 hours of singing I started to lose it and the only song that I could come up with is this random song that goes "There were 10 in the bed and the little one said, roll-over, roll-over, so they all rolled over and one fell out...and then there were 9 in the bed..." and so on. Turns out Kubus LOVED this song. He would burst out into a little giggle whenever I started on a new number. And I was so relieved, that once I got to "1 in the bed" I couldn't stop and would just start over again from 10. By the time we arrived at home, I think I sang it like 7 times in a row. At one point I tried to go back to a different song but couldn't remember the words because I was so tired - so I just stuck to the "10 in the bed" song. Let me tell you, I hope I never have to sing that song again for as long as I live.
All in all, I would consider the trip successful - but I don't ever want to do it again. Nor do any of the other adults in the house want to hear my singing for 12 hours, so they unanimously decided to let me and Kubus fly up to Brisbane when we move this Monday. I'd be insulted but I'm just way too relieved to be.
Thats all for now. Will update again soon.
16 years ago
Yes!! I love it! I am really glad for many reasons that you are doing this. I know you are my sister and will always be in my life but i was scared that you would be SO FAR away, both physically and in a sense of where you are in your life right now, compared to me. It is really nice to hear your little day to day stories and and I know it is cheesy but it makes it seem like you are not quite so far away.
As simple as they are, these stories really blow me away. I absolutely cannot imagine having the strength and desire needed do what you are doing right now. The thought of having a baby is so utterly foreign and alarming to me, I don't know if I will ever get to the place where you already are. Its not really a good feeling, I feel like I am being really selfish for not wanting to share my body and life with another little being. I hope this maternal instinct business kicks in one day and I am not going to end up as one of those horrible snobby people who view kids as germy little critters who should be kept in cages. BTW, check out this article talking about both sides of the baby debate - http://www.torontolife.com/features/baby-wars/?pageno=1 . Anyways, I really hope you keep this up! Hope all is well xoxo my love to the family.
- Julia
keep blogging! i love it. you don't just have to update it when you have long mass emails - little tidbits of your days to let us know how you're getting on would be lovely! i'm such a stalker that it'd be like reading perezhilton, but way healthier :)
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