We are now officially citizens of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Or, as the locals call it, "Bris-vegas" - though I'm not sure why because I think there is only one casino. I'm sure I'll get it with time. I don't totally get Australians yet. Their sense of humor is a bit more of the 'you'd-find-it-funny-if-you-were-drunk' type. Like how they add "o" to every word. Yummy is "yummo!", the Salvation Army are the "Salvos", registration is "rego", this afternoon is "this arvo". Everyone is called "mate" - men, women, old ladies, babies. Every longish word is abbreviated. McDonalds is called "Maccers", Australia is referred to as "Oz". Also, since Australia is now officially the fattest country in the world (beating the US!) the marketing department of all foods has been busy. Everything has the fat percentage written on it - even if its not something that generally has fat or much fat. For example, milk here is 98% FAT FREE! (not 2%), 99% FAT FREE! (not 1%) or TRIM - 100% FAT FREE! (skim milk). Stuff like salsa too is 99% FAT FREE! Its amazing. Even Jordan's mom falls for it. Shes like "I got the 99% fat free salsa! And the carrots I bought today are 100% FAT FREE!" Ok, I'm kidding but am surprised that the vegetable packets here don't all advertise that they are 100% FAT FREE. Think of how much more they would sell.
Anyway, I need to keep this one short because I need to take a shower - which can only be 4 minutes long because they have water shortages - but more on that later.
PS. I miss Sandy. She'll know what I mean.
16 years ago
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