Anyway, just wanted to post a “catch up” note to update those of you who are interested on stuff going on in my life. I must admit that its not going to be anything glamorous or exciting but just regular stuff that you would probably know if I were back in Canada and we were chatting regularly. After I posted the pictures that we had taken professionally, Paulina was a bit mad at me that she didn’t know anything about it and I realized that in general I don’t really talk about the little things going on and that’s what makes my life mine…and that just because something isn’t a major event doesn’t mean its not interesting….
Christmas in Australia
I have to say, that Christmas in Australia sucks. Ok, well maybe it doesn’t suck but this year was the first time EVER that I did not get that “Christmasy” feeling at all. Not even on Christmas day itself! In Canada, usually as soon as Starbucks comes out with their red cups I get that flutter in my stomach, that Christmas anticipation. But what need do I have for a warm cup of gingerbread latte when its 30C+ outside? None. I couldn’t relate to the majority of Christmas songs that I love (walking in a winter wonderland, jingle bells, I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…)…Plus, though businesses and offices usually put up decorations, houses here are almost totally devoid of Christmas lights or wreaths etc. I think I could count on my hand how many houses had lights up in our neighbourhood. Jordan’s mum said that its just not a tradition here and that the first time she ever saw houses decorated was when they moved to Texas and were totally amazed. Not that I blame people here though. Lights are SO expensive. It costs like $30 for 100 lights.
Its just weird to be in a place where its so warm…the Christmas decorations looked so out of place, the way that houses of those lazy neighbours look in July when they still have wreaths and their Christmas lights hanging.
And I found it strange how the decorations weren’t adapted to the weather at all. Instead of, for instance, dressing up palm trees with decorations and lights, there were fake pine trees all over. Santa wears his full-on winter suit instead of a swim suit and shades. I even saw people put that frosting on their windows and the tree in town was surrounded by fake snow.
However, I think just knowing that my family wouldn’t be there and that I wouldn’t be able to do all the things that I love to do in the lead up to Christmas is really why I just didn’t feel the way I usually do at that time of the year… I didn’t get to hang lights on my parents house (and then have a hot chocolate to thaw me out), I didn’t get to decorate a Christmas tree (Jordan’s mum did it but it doesn’t matter anyway as it was tiny because we didn’t want Kubes to pull down any decorations)…didn’t get to hit the malls with my sisters and browse around trying to come up with some fun little gifts, didn’t get to have herbatka with Julia’s family and go out with them for her birthday…didn’t get to go to Sandy’s Christmas party (which looked like so much fun, though I probably saved myself like 5 lbs by not eating Sandy’s amazing looking food).
Oh well…even though next year I will face the same thing, hopefully I’ll be able to come up with some new traditions and since Kubus will be older and will understand better it might be more fun.
16 years ago
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