As soon as I have some free time to write to my heart's content, I have nothing to write about. But as soon as I get busy, thats when I find I have stories pouring out of me. And right now, I have some limited free time...
But I've decided to just sit down and write, and see where it leads me. My mom bought this great book about writing, and I started reading it one day in the car when I was in Poland and waiting for my mom while she ran errands and Kubus slept. Basically, the jist of this book was that anyone can write, that there are no excuses not to write. And just because there is no purpose to the writing, doesn't mean it shouldn't be written. If you really want to be a writer, than write!
I have to admit, its always been a sercret ambition of mine to be a writer. Not a prize winning writer, not even a famous writer, but someone who can introduce themselves as a writer. I tell you, its way cooler to say "I'm a writer" than "I'm an accountant" - I literally see people's eyes start to glaze over whenever I tell them what I do (and its usually followed by a tax question that I can't answer). But I would love to be published and give people pleasure or even just an escape with my writing.
But back to writing. I've decided, as my new years resolution (that I just made now), to try and write more (that and not gain back all the weight I've lost).
But alas, back to my opening paragraph, what the hell should I write about? I really want to write a novel or even a short story but I'm a bit hesitant. The one thing that scares me about writing fiction is that people are going to think that things that I make up really happened to me (i.e. if I write about a wife cheating on her husband or something) or else if I use events that happened to people I know, or base characters on people I know, that they will get mad at me. Also, I don't know if I can bring myself to write sex scenes. Imagine what my parents would think if they read it! I'm not sure I could look them in the face without turning red. Its bad enough that Jordan is CONSTANTLY making sex jokes around my parents (like "make sure you guys wear ear plugs tonight!")...though for some reason they think its funny while I try to think of something to say to change the subject ("so this economic crisis is really bad, huh?"). But I guess this too is just an excuse not to write. And then I think, who the hell do I think I am to think that I can write well enough for some to actually read it and like it?
Oh well, screw it. I'm just going to write and if no one likes it, who cares?
16 years ago
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