I am at work now and should be working, but I figure I've put in a lot of overtime recently that its ok.
I really want to start blogging again. I enjoy it plus its the closest thing to a diary I can have now. I remember I was so good at keeping a diary betweent the age of 12-14. Its great to reread them.
Anyway,the main reason I want to start blogging again because I am start the Bob Greene Total Body Makeover today and I want to track how I do and maybe it will keep me on track and more accountable to myself.
I've been running pretty frequently - about 2 times per week, but thats only really helped me maintain my weight and hasn't done much to shift it. And I for all my talk about getting better aquainted with my dumbells, I really haven't done much weight training at all, and I really think it will make all the difference.
So anyway, this Total Body Makeover is this 12 week program (Oprah did it) that promises to get you into shape really fast. And its really not too difficult really. Basically it involves 6 days a week of cario (like running) for 30 min/day, 6 days a week of functional exercises (basically stretching) and 3 days a week of stength training. I figured this would be a good time to do this program as its great weather to train during the day, so I can get my workouts done during my lunch hour. Also, we're doing a PwC's Biggest Loser challenge, so any weight and inch loss will help my team win and lastly at the end of August I am doing a 10KM run and I hope to do it in an hour.
Luckily there is no strict diet with this plan, excpet for the amount of water I have to drink and no eating 2-3 hours before bed. Both are do-able. With regards to food Bob Greene says that basically you have to be really conscious of what you're eating - you KNOW if you're eating bad, but before you eat anything take 10 secs to analyze if you need it.
Anyway, my goal is to lose weight but I'm not really looking at some sort of magic number. I really just want to get started on being a bit more active and fit in general. I'll post an update every week to track my progress.
Wish me good luck!
16 years ago