I've been very conscious of the fact that lately I haven't posted to my blog in ages. Not for the lack of wanting to, but there was literally no time for me, which is surprising since the last few months were supposed to be the less busy ones. But when you have a Kubes, who is now in full force with his ability to walk, run and climb, it also just takes so much longer to get anything done. Everything I do has a rank in terms of priority and unfortunately, blogging has slipped off the charts recently. And especially now that we have our own place and I have to do stuff like laundry, making dinner etc (all while holding Kubes, as he gets very clingy when I get home, and let me tell you its amazing what one can do one-handed - I've even managed to make guacamole from scratch practically all while holding him). And when Kubus is finally down for the night, last thing I want to do is stare at my computer some more. I used to blog at work, until I got caught surfing the net by a Director once (I was waiting for my manager to send me some work and took the opportunity to do some web window shopping) and he COMPLAINED to my manager that I was being "under-utilized". I was so embarrassed, even though my manager defended me (said he knew I had nothing to do, but was on an important phone call that ended up lasting a couple of hours). So now I just don't go online at work, except for real work things. It sucks, especailly since I really liked blogging when I had some idle time, waiting for the client to give us some docs but not really having anything else to work on. In fact, the way I'm getting around this now is I'm writing this in my work email and will just copy and paste it into the blogger website during lunch - I know, its genius.
Anyway, in some bad news, I've gained a bit of weight recently since I stopped breast feeding a few months ago. I blame the horomones that are now out of whack (including the lovely side effect of random yeast infections). Haha, I'm just like all those overweight people who have "thyroid problems". Right. In truth, I've also gotten a bit slack with working out (except in bursts like the triathlon and the 8KM mothers day run) and I'm not as disciplined with my eating. And it makes me mad because I really don't eat that much, its just that my body is freakishly efficient with the calories it gets and I just don't need more than like 1500 calories a day to MAINTAIN my weight. I guess the plus side of this is that if I'm ever stranded on a desert island, at least I won't need to scrounge up as much food to survive. But I'm starting to get back on the regular exercise horse now - I've started to do a run/power walk with Kubus in the mornings and hope to start alternating that with a bit of weight training (look out 5lb weights, here I come!). Plus I'm starting to look for fun weekend activities that involve exercise (this weekend we're going to do the RSPCA Million Paw march to benefit the local animal shelters - fun because you have to bring a dog).
Ok, as I have a list of things to do that is a page long and as I don't want this to turn into an essay, I'll finish for now. But I promise to start blogging more.
16 years ago